Scott's USAF Installations Page

All text and images created by Scott D. Murdock unless indicated otherwise.

  This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

AAF/USAF: Ground Wave Emergency Network (GWEN) Relay-Node Sites

First published in 2003. Reformatted 2025.


This is a list of the relay-node sites in the GWEN system. My intended audience for this list is already aware of the GWEN system and its general purpose and history. Most of these sites were operational from the mid-to-late 1980s until about 2000. I've listed the official USAF designation for each site, and in the Notes column I've cross-referenced other common names. The standard tower height was 299 feet, but a few sites had 306-foot towers--also noted in the Notes column. The ILC column stands for installation location code, the real property "serial number" of each installation. All of these sites were stand-alone installations except for the Kirtland site, which was on Kirtland AFB proper (and shows the Kirtland AFB ILC).

Some of these sites have been dismantled and are difficult to find, but others remain in government ownership for various uses. For this reason I have not included location information. I cannot explain the numbers of the sites, that range from the low 400s to the 900s--if you understand the numbering scheme please let me know!

GWEN Relay-Node Sites Inventory

Acushnet Comms Site GWEN 404 MA ABJW  
Ainsworth Comms Site GWEN 663 NE ACXN (306' tower)
Appleton Comms Site GWEN 846 WA AMCF  
Beantown Comms Site GWEN 824 MD BATM (also called Waldorf, Goldwein)
Belfield Comms Site GWEN 847 ND BDTL (also called Medora)
Bellevue Comms Site GWEN 667 IA BEZG (also called Omaha, St. Marys)
Biggs Comms Site GWEN 647 CA BPVM (also called Chico, Gridley)
Bobo Comms Site GWEN 863 MS BXAG (also called Alligator Township, Clarksdale)
Bonneauville Comms Site GWEN 868 PA BYUT (also called Gettysburg)
Canton Comms Site GWEN 661 OK DATQ (306' tower)
Carrollton Comms Site GWEN 851 VA DDLP (also called Driver)
Central Nevada Comms Site GWEN 917 NV DHBR (also called Austin)
Crownsville Comms Site GWEN 889 MD EXVU (also called Annapolis)
Crystal Comms Site GWEN 848 ND EXXK (also called Langdon, Edinburg)
Edinburg Comms Site GWEN 870 ND FSGR (also called Devils Lake)
Ellicott Comms Site GWEN 880 CO FWHK (also called Pueblo, Falcon)
Elmira Comms Site GWEN 858 NY FYAP (also called Pine Valley)
Essex Comms Site GWEN 871 CA GEKJ (also called Fenner)
Flagstaff Comms Site GWEN 885 AZ GRVW (also called Navajo Army Depot)
Funkstown Comms Site GWEN 857 MD HNET (also called Hagerstown, Lappans)
Glenwood Comms Site GWEN 850 IA JAGM (also called Pacific Junction)
Hackleburg Comms Site GWEN 886 AL JVVM  
Harborcreek Comms Site GWEN 829 PA KCNK (also called Erie, Harbor Creek)
Hawk Run Comms Site GWEN 810 PA KHHW (also called Phillipsburg)
Hereford Comms Site GWEN 892 TX KLZY (also called Summerfield)
Holt Comms Site GWEN 830 MI KXYV (also called Onondaga, Alaeidon Township)
Holtville Comms Site GWEN 855 AL KXYL (also called Grady, Slapout)
Huber Comms Site GWEN 828 GA LDGL (also called Macon)
Hudson Falls Comms Site GWEN 835 NY LDLV  
Jasper Comms Site GWEN 891 NC LTSX (also called Beaufort, Antioch, New Bern)
Kirtland Comms Site GWEN 873 NM MHMV (also called Albuquerque) (306' tower) (ON KIRTLAND AFB)
Klamath Falls Comms Site GWEN 887 OR MFWS (also called Kingsley Field)
Lincoln Comms Site GWEN 849 CA NGJL (also called Walnut Grove, Roseville)
Little Egg Harbor Comms Site GWEN 405 NJ NJNS (also called West Tuckerton, Egg Harbor)
Maple Hill Comms Site GWEN 842 KS PCGF (also called Topeka)
Marshall Comms Site GWEN 845 WA PHTX (also called Spokane, Lyons)
Mechanicsville Comms Site GWEN 879 IA PVSR (also called Iowa City)
Mequon Comms Site GWEN 840 WI PZHN (also called Milwaukee)
North Central Iowa Comms Site GWEN 934 IA NPBV (also called Ledyard, Iowa)
North Central WI Comms Site GWEN 936 WI NPAU (also called Medford)
Oatland Comms Site GWEN 881 SC SEYT (also called Kensington, Dunbar)
Oberlin Comms Site GWEN 843 KS SEZQ (also called Goodland)
Pablo Comms Site GWEN 655 MT SRQS (also called Ronan)
Patten Comms Site GWEN 402 ME SXWX (also called Herseytown, Stacyville, Sherman)
Penobscot Comms Site GWEN 895 ME TAWQ  
Pompeys Pillar Comms Site GWEN 872 MT TLUZ (also called Billings)
Raymond Comms Site GWEN 664 SD TZWP (also called Clark) (306' tower)
Remsen Comms Site GWEN 836 NY UCNN  
Rocky Flats Comms Site GWEN 897 CO UKBK (also called Denver, Broomfield)
Savannah Beach Comms Site GWEN 883 GA TAHP (also called Pembroke, Pembrook)
Seneca Comms Site GWEN 898 OR VHCL  
Spring Valley Comms Site GWEN 660 AR VZKR (also called Fayetteville) (306' tower)
Stockett Comms Site GWEN 654 MT WHYJ (also called Great Falls)
Vineland Comms Site GWEN 665 CO XZGM (also called Pueblo, Pueblo Army Depot) (306' tower)
Watkins Comms Site GWEN 666 CO YNMH (also called Aurora) (306' tower)
Wenatchee Heights Comms Site GWEN 878 WA YSCV (also called Wenatchee)
Wheeler Ridge Comms Site GWEN 648 CA YVGP (also called Bakersfield)
Whitney Comms Site GWEN 930 NE YXBN  

Updated January 26, 2025

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